Hydroponics is one of the methods of growing plant in a soil less medium or an aquatic (in water) based environment.
Growing plants through Hydroponics uses solution that contains nutrients to feed the plants without soil. Normally these nutrients are delivered in water.
Here is a simple-step by-step of how we can move a potted plant growing in soil and trasplanting it to grow using Hydroponics.
Tap on the flower pot to continue
We remove the pot from the potted plant and carefully remove the soil and carefully remove access soil and expose the roots. This is done carefully to minimise damage to roots.
Tap on the roots to continue ...
The roots can be further carefully cleansed out from the soil with water. Now the plant with the exposed roots is ready for the next step.
Tap on the plant to continue...
We will place the plant carefully into a container or tank that can accomodate the plant and its roots. The container cover will need to have holes to place the plant and its roots through to the bottom.
Tap on the container to continue...
The plant and its root is seated into the container/tank. Once the plant has been securely placed in the container as shown, we can now pour in the liquid nutrients into the container/tank.
Tap on the nutrient pot to fill...
Fill the container with the liquid nutrients and ensure that all the roots are fully submerged.
Tap on the watering can to fill..
Fill the container with the liquid nutrients and ensure that all the roots are fully submerged.
Tap on the nutirents can to continue filling...