Customized Solutions - Mobistudios (SG)

Customized Solutions

Qurban-Queue Solution

We are the provide fo Qurban-Q solution that utilises the exisiting digital screen infrastructure of the Mosque in Singapore. We have served:

  • Masjid Al-Mukminin
  • Masjid En-Naeem
  • Masjid An-Nur

These are some examples of customised solutions that can can do for our customers.

NFC Solution

We are exploring the introduction of a new range of NFC (Near-Field Communication) solutions into the Masjids + Learning & Development space. This solution allows user to access information on demand via their mobile devices. NFC linked contents are provided by customers or developed and hosted by Mobistudios.

1. NFC Shortcut to knowledge & Information
A call-to-action donation point with NFC and QR Code ready link to donation portal

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