by sulhan@mobistudios.com.sg | Aug 29, 2020 | Business
Running a business during a pandemic is definitely no easy feat. I’m sure for many of us, none of us were prepared for COVID-19. However, when running a business, there is no time to stop and mourn over the losses you have faced, you need to pick yourself up quickly....An Electronics & Electrical Engineer by professional training. Majoring in Applied Electronics and Control Systems. A decade of Industry experience in manufacturing and product research development engineering in Hewlett Packard Singapore. Working in the setting up of manufacturing lines in Asia and product design and development activities for consumer and professional office products.
Founded Mobistudios (Australia) in 2009, offering creative design and technology related services. Gained experience and knowledge in Digital Signage content development and solutions in 2013.Started Mobistudios (Singapore) in 2015 to create new opportunities and explore new grounds in offering innovative design & technology solutions – through application of knowledge and experience gathered in the industry.
A Master Mariner by professional training. Also studied at London School of Economics, major in Economics and Management.
An experience maritime professional in the maritime and energy services and transport industry of more than 30 years. Given once in a lifetime opportunity to be part of the growing digital media industry in January 2020. Never regretted the move, as it is continuously providing challenges and demand for innovation and creativity.
Raimie is a seasoned technical executive, who has been in the Audio/Visual Industry for the past decade.
Prior to joining Mobistudios, he was part of the Advertisement & Promotions team in Takashimaya Singapore. He was involved with managing the in-house visual event space. Some highlights includes the local fashion event, TNP’s New Face and various variety shows for children and teenagers.
In 2015, he joined Mobistudios Singapore as a pioneering member. He was given an opportunity to learn and explore the world of Design Media & Technology and seek to merge both worlds. He has dedicated himself to building the company from the ground up, and work posthumously with partners and clients in delivering the Innovating and Creative angles to every project.
An accountant with multiple experiences in accounts, audit and finance related departments. Passionate about numbers and always stay positive. My several years’ experience in Muis Zakat department has piqued my interest in working with the community as a Treasurer for various not-for-profit community groups.
Partner at Mobistudios AU in 2009 as videographer and accounts manager to assist in business development for the past decade. Co-founder at Mobistudios SG in 2015 as accounts manager to support the innovative design & technology solutions.
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