Here’s all you need to know about Digital signages - Mobistudios (SG)

Digital signages. I’m sure you have heard of this term a lot but what exactly are digital signages? In short, digital signages are a sub-category under the broad umbrella term, electronic signage. Digital displays use technologies such as LCD, LED, projection and e-paper to display digital images, video, web pages, weather data, restaurant menus, or text.

They are often found in public areas such as restaurants, shopping malls, hospitals, hotels, the list is endless. They operate via a network of electronic displays that are centrally managed and can be individually tweaked to display unique messages in the form of text, animated or video messages for advertising, information, entertainment and merchandising to a selected audience.

Did you know that the digital signage market is expected to grow upward to US$21.92 billion by 2020. Some of the reasons for the rise is due to the growing demand by companies for the development of digital signage solutions, advertisement displays and paper wastage reduction. This goes to show that the digital signage industry is certainly one that is growing at a rapid pace and definitely here to stay.

The top 3 key elements of a digital signage display include, content, screen/display module, and the player/storage device. Digital signages come in different shapes and sizes and can be designed to cater to your unique needs. There is definitely no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to digital signages. 

The best part is that you can customise your message and even the physical appearance of your digital signage to suit your specific needs. For example, if you are operating in a tight area with limited space, a wall-mounted display may be the better option as opposed to a standee design. Consequently, if you want an interactive display, a pedestal or tabletop design would be preferred. It is essential to consult with your digital signage provider to identify which type of display design is the best for you. Here is a brief overview of the types of display designs with their corresponding uses and features:

  1. Standee: Common type of portable standee mainly used in food joints and public spaces
  2. Totem: Commonly used in high traffic areas
  3. Wall mounted: Common type of digital signage usually mounted at eye level or above the head
  4. Pedestal screen: Commonly used as an information kiosk and typically comes with a touch sensor that supports interactive content
  5. Table screen: Commonly used for exhibitions and typically comes with a touch sensor that supports interactive content
  6. Kiosk: Smaller version of a pedestal screen which is usually built on screens like an iPad or tablet. It typically comes with a touch sensor that supports interactive content

The world of digital signage is an ever-evolving one that continues to adapt quickly to changing times. Gone are the days where we solely rely on static or print images to advertise. Audiences are now attracted to moving images and text that are always relevant to their needs. Digital signage solutions are quickly becoming the preferred medium for advertisers to stand out from the digital clutter. Digital signage technology is also one that is advancing at a rapid pace with new software being integrated into existing signages constantly. I hope with this brief introduction to the world of digital signages you will be more interested to explore ways on how to appeal to your target audience.